" Waste not, Want not. "
The average person wears about only 20% of their existing wardrobe on a regular basis. That would mean the other 80% is WASTE! Space taken up by old, unused or poor fitting pieces, precious time wasted digging through the closet trying to put an outfit together every morning and money spent on guilty splurges or purchases never returned. Now imagine a wardrobe filled ONLY with items that you love and reflect YOUR personal style!

Save Space - REFINE
“To truly cherish what you have, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose” ~ Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Dressing up is only enjoyable when your closet is filled with the right pieces in the right amount. MJB style solutions will edit your wardrobe to let your wardrobe breathe! A balance must be achieved between everyday wear and special occasion pieces that make us feel stylish and confident. Many of us have hard time discarding things because we buy things for who we want to be tomorrow or cling to the image of ourselves from the past. Your current wardrobe should represent and serve who you are today. It is only today that truly matters.
Save Time - REFRESH
Getting dressed in the morning should be fun, quick and easy! Whether you are a business person or a stay at home parent, your wardrobe should consist of functional pieces that fit your lifestyle. An organized closet allows you to take stock of everything you own in one glance. Enhance your efficiency and SAVE TIME with a MJB style solutions digital lookbook filled with pictures of outfits made from pieces from your own wardrobe. No more confusion about where to start when building an outfit. Locate the pieces, get dressed and head out the door!
Save Money - REBOOT
Ever get invited to an event or party last minute? You look through your closet and panic sets in - “ I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! ” You run out to buy a new outfit and wear it once. Over time, your closet becomes a crowded, sad place filled with “one use only” items. MJB style solutions will help you SAVE MONEY by ensuring your wardrobe is working hard for you! An updated wardrobe by MJB style solutions ensures each new piece purchased has the intention of being worn with other items you already own. This maximizes the potential number of outfits that can be created. You will have the right pieces to style the perfect look for every kind of occasion, even the last minute kind!
If you are ready to UPGRADE your life by saving space, time and money by UPGRADING YOUR WARDROBE, book your FREE CONSULTATION with MJB style solutions today!
To learn more, Visit www.MJBstylesolutions.com